Camera Angles and Techniques

Using different camera angles can really improve and help when it comes to video and film-making! There are many different angles you can use, and I’ve chosen 5 for this post. Also, yes, I am aware the 4/5 of the pictures are portrait oriented, just pretend they’re horizontal and ignore my photographer side.


Long Shot. The subject is still shown from head to toe, but there’s still more room in the photo that the person isn’t the full subject of the photo or completely filling the frame.


Full Shot. Subject fills the frame from head to toe, and the subject becomes the main focus of the shot.


Medium Shot. The subject is captured from the waist up, which gives more detail and a more closeup of the subject, but still some open room around the subject.


Medium Close-Up. Subject is captured from chest or shoulders up, which gives more of a complete focus on the face of the subject.


Close-Up. Subjects face completely or almost completely fills the frame, and it portrays more emotion in the subject.


Also fun fact! I took these photos about a month ago with no knowledge of this assignment, and I just found them this week, and they worked PERFECTLY for my assignment! Anyway, enjoy these photos of my awesome brother, he’s a stud. (and yes that was his quarantine hair when he couldn’t get a haircut, and gone now haha)

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